Exactly one year ago, in October 2023, we were able to heat up a bit of fire in the town
of Bad Ragaz for the American feature film adaptation of the Vimeo Staff Picks, Fox
Searchlight and Jr. Oscar-nominated short film “Sew Torn”. Directed by the young
director Freddy MacDonald and the young production company Orisono, the film was
shot entirely in Switzerland for the international market and we got to be a part of it.
It looks dangerous, but thanks to the long-standing know-how of our employees, the explosion was carried out safely and without scratches. With the effort of the entire crew, the road was again navigable within 20 minutes and also the “store” had no “explosion marks”. We were also allowed to bring our knowledge to the screen with further stunts and special effects.
The film is currently in the final sprint and we are looking forward to the final result!