On September 23, 2023, the Neo-Noir Action Thriller “Early Birds”, directed by Michael
Steiner, premiered. The feature film opened this year's Zurich Film Festival and Cinema
Frame. Exactly where the film began and ends: at Zürich Langstrasse. 

Plot: After a wild party night on Zurich's Langstrasse, in which a lot of things get out of
hand, Caro and Annika flee to the mountains from the drug dealers. On their heels is a
hardened cop, who likes coke himself and does not shy away from violence.

Throughout the film we were allowed to stage and coordinate all the action scenes.
That includes all the stunts, special effects, weapons and the Special Operations

What is very important to us: ALL these scenes were shot for real! 

That means, take a closer look at the action scenes next time you go to the cinema ;).

On Thursday, October 12, 2023 it will be shown in all Swiss cinemas &

in spring 2024, the feature film is expected to be available on Netflix!

We’re very excited.

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